COW Enhanced 13.7mm Piston Head for TM Hi-Capa Series

COW Enhanced 13.7mm Piston Head for TM Hi-Capa Series

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COW Enhanced 13.7mm Piston Head for TM Hi-Capa Series

SKU / Code.
Availability: In stock

Enhanced Piston Head for Air-Tightness.
Designed to withstand high impact pressure.
Stabilized Performance.
Improved durability over TM piston head
Compatible with 13.5mm - 13.85mm loading nozzle.
For TM original BBU, CCT B02 Dynamic Blowback Housing (CCT-TMHC-108 & 109) & CCT G17 Blow Back Unit (CCT-TMG-044 & 045)
For TM Hi-CAPA/1911, G17 Gen3, G22, G26 & G34 original nozzle, CCT High Flow Aluminum Loading Nozzle (CCT-TMHC-031)

Enhanced 13.7mm Piston Head

Highlighted features

Enhanced Piston Head for Air-Tightness.
Designed to withstand high impact pressure.
Stabilized Performance.
Improved durability over TM piston head
Compatible with 13.5mm - 13.85mm loading nozzle.
For TM original BBU, CCT B02 Dynamic Blowback Housing (CCT-TMHC-108 & 109) & CCT G17 Blow Back Unit (CCT-TMG-044 & 045)
For TM Hi-CAPA/1911, G17 Gen3, G22, G26 & G34 original nozzle, CCT High Flow Aluminum Loading Nozzle (CCT-TMHC-031)

*PS: Please note: installing parts / assemble /fitting airsoft gun will need intermediate knowledge; for expert or airsoft gunsmith. Please refer to your airsoft gunsmith for proper installation / fitting. Fitting may be needed as the condition of each airsoft gun might be different. Regular maintenance is needed for all airsoft guns in order to keep it in good working condition and reduce wear out issue on parts. The actual performance is based on the overall setting on your airsoft gun. Please consult your airsoft gunsmith for advising.

More Information
Manufacturer / Brand COWCOW Technology
Color Purple
Major Built Material Nylon
Size N/A
Disclaimer Upgrading airsoft guns require necessary skill & technique, manual modification is necessary, consult expertise if needed.
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