Poseidon Formula G 3in1 Cleaning Maintenance Kit ( Graphene )

Poseidon Formula G 3in1 Cleaning Maintenance Kit ( Graphene )

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Poseidon Formula G 3in1 Cleaning Maintenance Kit ( Graphene )

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Poseidon Formula G 3in1 Cleaning Maintenance Kit ZERO RESISTANCE NANO COATING wipe the tube inside the BB can reduce frictional resistance between the inner barrel, ultra-long-lasting anti-static dust waterproof! First big silver bottle, it's for inner barrel clean and coating, it will make the surface of barrel very smooth ,but won't change the trajectory. it's not silicon oil, after your first clean 2hrs, use clean tissue wipe again and the inner barrel was done, it can also used for any surface you want clean and shine like...glasses cell phone screen .......... The nail polish bottle is Graphene lubricating oil, it's used for any place you want the two surface can slide like silk The round bottle is Graphene grease, it's very good for electrical BB gun gear box.

Poseidon Formula G 3in1 Cleaning Maintenance Kit

wipe the tube inside the BB can reduce frictional resistance between the inner barrel, ultra-long-lasting anti-static dust waterproof!

First big silver bottle,

it's for inner barrel clean and coating, it will make the surface of barrel very smooth ,but won't change the trajectory.

it's not silicon oil, after your first clean 2hrs, use clean tissue wipe again

and the inner barrel was done, it can also used for any surface you want

clean and shine like...glasses cell phone screen ..........

The nail polish bottle is Graphene lubricating oil,

it's used for any place you want the two surface can slide like silk

The round bottle is Graphene grease, it's very good for electrical BB gun gear box.

Formula G 相關說明






1.     槍管(氣槍,電槍均可)

2.     動件(氣槍:滑套,飛機,復進簧…….)(電槍:活塞,派頭…..等)

3.     齒輪(電槍)


1.高分子奈米反應鍍膜 ( 清潔,潤滑,保護 - 撥水性抗油污 )

2.奈米石墨烯 ( Graphene ) 潤滑油( 超高潤滑度,超耐久,填補細小金屬刮痕 )

3.奈米石墨烯 ( Graphene ) 油脂( 高附著,高潤滑,降低機件磨損,提高整體操作效率 )

石墨烯 ( Graphene )


1. 高分子反應矽油:請先清潔槍管內側,確定完成清潔後更換乾淨不織布沾再取少量反應矽油塗布管內,冬天靜置3小時,夏天40分鐘,再次重複一次塗布,兩次塗布完成,建議靜置一晚,然後就能體驗滑順的軟槍內管。如需加速作業,可在塗布15分鐘後以吹風機加熱至70~80度c,保持5~10分鐘,如此可在加熱冷卻至室溫之後15分鐘塗布第二次,第二次塗布加熱請勿超過60度c,加熱10分鐘左右後靜置半小時,然後體驗一下超滑順槍管。最好的效果為自然乾燥,非必要請維持自然乾燥的方式施工。

2. 奈米潤滑油:在需要潤滑的動件摩擦面少量塗布,每次塗抹請少量多次施工,確保使用量不會過多造成過分油膩。

3. 奈米油脂:將電槍心臟齒輪箱分解後,清潔乾淨舊的油脂,再薄薄塗布一層奈米油脂,齒輪軸承則使用奈米潤滑油滴入軸承座,油脂不必多,均勻塗布才是重點。




石墨烯 ( Graphene )

More Information
Manufacturer / Brand Poseidon Airsoft ( Taiwan )
Color N/A
Major Built Material Graphene
Size N/A
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